HostFact API versie 3.1

SSL certificaten

SSL certificaten zijn te beheren via de controller 'ssl'.


Middels deze functie kunt u een SSL certificaat opzeggen.
Voorbeeldbestand: /voorbeelden/ssl/ssl.terminate.php

Veldnaam Waarde Omschrijving
Identifier int De unieke ID van een SSL certificaat
CommonName string De domeinnaam
Date date De datum waarop de dienst opgezegd wordt
Reason text Reden van opzegging
Verplichte velden: Identifier of CommonName

Voorbeeld invoer:


$api = new HostFactAPI();

$sslParams = array(
						'Identifier'		=> '1',
				        //'CommonName'		=> '', 
						//'Date'			=> '2015-01-01', // Date of termination 

$response = $api->sendRequest('ssl', 'terminate', $sslParams);



Voorbeeld uitvoer:
    [controller] => ssl
    [action] => terminate
    [status] => success
    [date] => 2022-11-24T12:00:00+02:00
    [success] => Array
            [0] => Dienst is opgezegd met opzegdatum 14-01-2023

    [ssl] => Array
            [Identifier] => 1
            [CommonName] =>
            [Debtor] => 1
            [DebtorCode] => DB0001
            [Registrar] => 1
            [SSLTypeID] => 1
            [OwnerHandle] => 1
            [AdminHandle] => 1
            [TechHandle] => 1
            [Type] => domain
            [Wildcard] => no
            [MultiDomain] => yes
            [MultiDomainRecords] => Array

            [ApproverEmail] =>
            [CSR] => -----BEGIN...QUEST-----
            [ServerSoftware] => linux
            [Period] => 1
            [RequestDate] => 
            [RenewDate] => 
            [RegistrarReference] => 
            [Comment] => 
            [Status] => inrequest
            [Created] => 2022-11-24 11:00:00
            [Modified] => 2022-11-24 11:00:00
            [Subscription] => Array
                    [Number] => 1
                    [NumberSuffix] => 
                    [ProductCode] => P004
                    [Description] => SSL testproduct -
                    [PriceExcl] => 11.5
                    [PriceIncl] => 13.915
                    [TaxPercentage] => 21
                    [DiscountPercentage] => 0
                    [Periods] => 1
                    [Periodic] => j
                    [StartPeriod] => 2018-01-01
                    [EndPeriod] => 2018-01-01
                    [NextDate] => 2018-04-17
                    [ContractPeriods] => 1
                    [ContractPeriodic] => j
                    [StartContract] => 2018-01-14
                    [EndContract] => 2018-01-14
                    [TerminationDate] => 2023-01-14
                    [Reminder] => 
                    [InvoiceAuthorisation] => yes
                    [AmountExcl] => 11.5
                    [AmountIncl] => 13.92
                    [AutoRenew] => no

            [SSLProductInfo] => Array
                    [Name] => SSL dummy product
                    [Brand] => SSLs
                    [TemplateName] => 
                    [Product] => 4
                    [Periods] => Array
                            [0] => 1
                            [1] => 2
                            [2] => 3

                    [Type] => domain
                    [Wildcard] => no
                    [MultiDomain] => yes
                    [MultiDomainIncluded] => 4
                    [MultiDomainMax] => 10

            [RegistrarInfo] => Array
                    [Identifier] => 1
                    [Class] => registrarclass
                    [Name] => Example registrar
                    [Testmode] => 1
                    [DefaultDNSTemplate] => 0
                    [AdminHandle] => 0
                    [TechHandle] => 0

            [Termination] => Array
                    [Date] => 2023-01-14
                    [Created] => 2022-11-24 11:00:00
                    [Status] => pending

